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6 Things You Should Never Do on Your Instagram: Avoid These Mistakes to Grow Your Account

by Mima Markephing 10 Oct 2024

Instagram is an essential platform for beauty artists, microblading experts, and PMU professionals, but using it effectively requires more than just posting photos. While many focus on what to do, today we’re going to talk about what not to do if you want to grow your account and engage with your audience.

1. Don’t Buy Fake Followers

It might be tempting to inflate your follower count by buying fake followers, but this will hurt your long-term success. Fake followers don’t engage with your content, and Instagram’s algorithm notices that. In the end, your posts will get less visibility, and your credibility will take a hit. Focus on building a real, engaged audience—even if it takes more time, the results will be much better.


2. Don’t Open Spam Messages or Links

We’ve all received suspicious DMs with weird links or offers that sound too good to be true. Opening these messages or clicking on strange links can lead to your account being hacked or compromised. Always be cautious when engaging with unknown accounts or messages that seem off, and never share your login information with anyone.


3. Don’t Leave Your Account Inactive for Months

Consistency is key on Instagram. If you leave your account inactive for long periods, your followers will forget about you, and the algorithm won’t prioritize your posts when you come back. Aim for a steady posting schedule, whether it's once a day or a few times a week, to keep your followers engaged and your content visible.


4. Don’t Over-Post

On the flip side, you also don’t want to post too much in a short period of time. Overloading your followers’ feeds can make them feel overwhelmed and could result in unfollows. Find a healthy balance that keeps your audience engaged without being overwhelming.


5. Don’t Post Low-Quality Content

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Your work as a microblading or beauty artist is your brand, so it’s essential that your posts reflect that. Posting blurry, poorly lit photos or videos can turn people away and damage your professional image. Make sure that every post showcases your work in the best possible light by investing in good photography and video skills—or using a service like PhiStock to enhance your visuals.


6. Don’t Ignore Comments or DMs

Social media is all about interaction. When someone comments on your posts or sends you a message, that’s an opportunity to build a relationship. Ignoring these interactions not only hurts your engagement rates, but it also tells your audience that you’re not interested in connecting with them. Make it a habit to respond to comments and messages—it will help build a loyal and engaged following.


Final Thoughts

Avoiding these common mistakes can set you up for long-term success on Instagram. Whether you’re a seasoned beauty professional or just starting out, being mindful of how you manage your account is key to growing your brand and engaging with your audience.

Are you ready to take your Instagram to the next level? Explore more tips and resources on PhiStock, where you can create high-quality, engaging content that stands out!

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